1.List out the current boot environments.In active column, NR stands for active Now(N) and active on Reboot(R).And also you can see there is no snapshot exist on the system
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# date
Saturday, July 6, 2013 04:24:21 PM IST
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris NR / 2.37G static 2013-06-11 06:27
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# zfs list |grep @
2.Clone the current BE to new BE called UA-NEW.Here unlike solaris 10,snapshots are kept in the background. So you can see only new BE’s datasets. The datasets name with UA-NEW belongs to new boot environment.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm create UA-NEW
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW - - 61.0K static 2013-07-06 16:28
solaris NR / 2.37G static 2013-06-11 06:27
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list -a UA-NEW
BE/Dataset/Snapshot Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
------------------- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
rpool/ROOT/UA-NEW - - 87.0K static 2013-07-16 23:31
rpool/ROOT/UA-NEW/var - - 1.0K static 2013-07-16 23:31
3. Mount the boot environment.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# mkdir /UA-NEW
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm mount UA-NEW /UA-NEW
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# df -h /UA-NEW
Filesystem Size Used Available Capacity Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/UA-NEW 15G 3.9G 8.8G 31% /UA-NEW
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW - /UA-NEW 88.0K static 2013-07-16 23:31
solaris NR / 5.24G static 2013-02-12 03:26
4.Now we will install new package on UA-NEW.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg -R /UA-NEW verify -v diffstat
pkg verify: no packages matching 'diffstat' installed
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg -R /UA-NEW install diffstat
Packages to install: 1
Planning linked: 0/3 done; 1 working: zone:webunixarena1
Planning linked: 0/3 done; 1 working: zone:webunixarena1
Planning linked: 1/3 done; 1 working: zone:dbunixarena1
Planning linked: 2/3 done; 1 working: zone:newzone
Planning linked: 3/3 done
Completed 1/1 6/6 0.0/0.0 0B/s
Downloading linked: 0/3 done; 1 working: zone:webunixarena1
Downloading linked: 1/3 done; 1 working: zone:dbunixarena1
Downloading linked: 2/3 done; 1 working: zone:newzone
Downloading linked: 3/3 done
Installing new actions 24/24
Updating package state database Done
Updating image state Done
Creating fast lookup database Done
Executing linked: 0/3 done; 1 working: zone:webunixarena1
Executing linked: 1/3 done; 1 working: zone:dbunixarena1
Executing linked: 2/3 done; 1 working: zone:newzone
Executing linked: 3/3 done
Note:You need to configure IPS to install new packages. 5.Verify the package on UA-NEW.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg -R /UA-NEW verify -v diffstat
pkg://solaris/text/diffstat OK
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg -R /UA-NEW list diffstat
text/diffstat 1.51- i--
6.Activate the UA-NEW.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm activate UA-NEW
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW R /UA-NEW 5.39G static 2013-07-16 23:31
solaris N / 2.08M static 2013-02-12 03:26
7.Reboot the system to boot the system from UA-NEW.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# init 6
while rebooting system,you can see the below screen on X86 systems.
8.Verify whether system is boot from UA-NEW.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW NR / 5.79G static 2013-07-16 23:31
solaris - - 6.55M static 2013-02-12 03:26
Note:Look at the Active column to confirm BE state. N- Active Now; R- Active on Reboot; 9.Verify the installed packages are available in current boot environment.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg list diffstat
text/diffstat 1.51- i--
10.You can also do the verification on OLD-BE, whether the package is available there are not.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# mkdir /old-be
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm mount solaris /old-be
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg -R /old-be list diffstat
pkg list: no packages matching 'diffstat' installed
Rollback operation
1.Any time you can rollback the Solaris 11 to old boot environment using below command.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm activate solaris
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW N / 341.97M static 2013-07-16 23:31
solaris R /old-be 5.26G static 2013-02-12 03:26
N- Active now R- Active upon Reboot 2.Reboot the server using “init 6” .
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# init 6
While rebooting the server,you can see the below screen on X86 machines.
3.Now you won;t see the new package on the system.
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
UA-NEW - - 343.81M static 2013-07-16 23:31
solaris NR / 5.36G static 2013-02-12 03:26
root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# pkg list diffstat
pkg list: no packages matching 'diffstat' installed
The you can manage the boot environments for OS patch bundle installation.