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HACMP – Create Resource Group

Writer's picture: Hanh NguyenHanh Nguyen

Prepare stop/start script in /Clusterpath, owner should under root

smitty hacmp)-> Cluster Applications and Resource-> Resource Groups->Add a Resource Group

* Resource Group Name                                [app5_rg]

* Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority)        [emasccs01 emasccs02]                        +

Startup Policy                                      Online On Home Node Only                    +

Fallover Policy                                     Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List  +

Fallback Policy                                     Never Fallback                              +

add app control

smitty hacmp->-> resources-> Configure User Applications (Scripts and Monitors)->

Application Controller Scripts-> Add Applica

[Entry Fields]

* Application Controller Name                        [app5_ac]

* Start Script                                       [/Cluserpath/]

* Stop Script                                        [/Cluserpath/]

Application Monitor Name(s)                                                                     +

Application startup mode                           [foreground]                                 +

[Entry Fields]


add app control to resource group

hacmp->Cluster Applications and Resource->Resources Groups->Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group

Type or select values in entry fields.

Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

[TOP]                                                   [Entry Fields]

Resource Group Name                                 app5_rg

Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority)         emasccs01 emasccs02

Startup Policy                                      Online On Home Node Only

Fallover Policy                                     Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List

Fallback Policy                                     Never Fallback

Service IP Labels/Addresses                        []                                           +

Application Controllers                            [app5_ac]                                    +

Volume Groups                                      []                                           +

Use forced varyon of volume groups, if necessary    false                                       +

Automatically Import Volume Groups                  false                                       +

Filesystems (empty is ALL for VGs specified)       []                                           +

Filesystems Consistency Check                       fsck                                        +

Filesystems Recovery Method                         sequential                                  +

Filesystems mounted before IP configured            false                                       +

Filesystems/Directories to Export (NFSv2/3)        []                                           +


F1=Help                  F2=Refresh               F3=Cancel                F4=List

F5=Reset                 F6=Command               F7=Edit                  F8=Image

Put dependency.

Configure Resource Group Run-Time Policies-> Configure Dependencies between Resource Groups-> Configure Parent/Child Dependency->Add Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups


[Entry Fields]

* Parent Resource Group                              [emasccs_rg]                                 +

* Child Resource Group                               [app5_rg]                                    +

[Entry Fields]

* Parent Resource Group                              [db_rg]                                      +

* Child Resource Group                               [app5_rg]                                    +

Configure Dependencies between Resource Group-> Configure Online on the Same Node Dependency

-> Change/Show Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups

[Entry Fields]

Resource Groups to be Online on the same node       app2_rg app3_rg app1_rg app4_rg emasccs_rg>

New Resource Groups to be Online on the same node  [app1_rg app2_rg app3_rg app4_rg app5_rg ap> +

Sync cluster configurartion

smitty cl_sync


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