A. Set the speed to the interface to the same as that set on the switch port. Default is auto. eg. chdev -l entX -a media_speed=1000_Full_Duplex
B. Configure the base IP on the interface. # smitty chinet ==> Key in the IP info.
C. Add the 3 new IPs to /etc/cluster/rhosts and /etc/hosts.
Complete A,B and C on both nodes.
HACMP config From one node 1. Define a new ether network. smitty hacmp –> Cluster Nodes and Networks –> Manage Networks and Network Interface –> Networks –> Add a Network ether
Key in network name and netmask
2. smitty hacmp –> Cluster Nodes and Networks –> Manage Networks and Network Interface –>Network Interfaces –> Add a Network Interface choose the network defined in 1 Key in IP label for node emasccs01
Repeat for IP label for node emasccs02
3. Define the virtual IP smitty hacmp –> Cluster Applications and Resources –> Resource –> Configure Service IP Labels/Addresses –> Add a Service IP Label/Address choose network defined in 1 Key in the service IP label
4. Add the VIP to a RG. smitty hacmp –> Cluster Applications and Resources –> Resource Groups –> Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group choose the RG Add the VIP
5. Sync the cluster. smitty cl_sync