Admin Query​​
Check Cluster Status​​
Check storage allocation
GET _cat/allocation?v
GET /_cluster/health
GET _cat/allocation?v
GET /_cluster/state
GET _cat/master?v
GET _cluster/state/master_node?pretty
GET _cat/nodes?v&h=id,ip,port,v,m
GET _nodes?pretty
GET _cluster/state?pretty
GET _cat/shards/events?v
Working on Repo
List all repo
GET _cat/repositories​
Check Cluster Status​​
Check Cluster status:
GET /_cluster/stateGET events/_count
GET index/_settings
Check restore status
GET /_snapshot/es-test/_current
GET /_snapshot/_status
GET _cat/snapshots/es-test
List all snapshot in repo es-test
GET /_snapshot/es-test/_all?pretty
GET _cat/snapshots/es-test
List all report with configuration
GET /_snapshot?pretty
GET /index_name/_mapping
example: Search for product and fischer
GET /orders/_search
GET _cat/thread_pool?help
GET _cat/thread_pool/search?v&h=id,name,active,queue,rejected,completed
GET events/_search
{ "aggs": {
"entityType": {
"terms": { "field": "id.entityId" }
}GET events/_search
{ "aggs": {
"entityType": {
"terms": { "field": "id.appId" }
Query orders index, extract Product Name=’ Fischer Dubel SX 100 pcs’
GET /orders/_search
"query_string": {
"default_field": "product.name",
"query": "Fischer Dubel SX 100 pcs",
"default_operator": "AND"
GET /orders/_search
"query_string": {
"fields": ["product.name","product.category"],
"query": "Fischer Dubel SX 100 pcs",
"default_operator": "AND"
Range query
GET orders/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"product.price": {
"gte": 1000,
"lte": 7000
GET _cat/shards/orders?v
GET _cat/indices/olympic-events?v&h=index,health,docs.count, pri.store.size
GET /_cat/health
GET /_cat/health?v=true
GET /_cat/allocation
GET /_cat/allocation?v=true
GET /_cluster/stats
GET _cat/master
GET _cat/master?h=host,node&v
GET _cat/health?help
GET _cat/health?h=status
GET _cat/health?format=yaml
GET /_cluster/state